Caring for your tattoo

Your tattoo should be treated as a wound initially and it is important that this advice is followed

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If you are worried about how your tattoo is healing, please call us or come into the studio. No question is stupid and we will always take the time to talk to you, put your mind at rest and give you the best professional advice available.

We are professionals, we have been doing this all day every day for an extremely long time, your friends have not!


A little bit of bleeding, weeping, swelling, and bruising is normal within the first 48 hours of getting tattooed. If the swelling bothers you, try to keep the area raised when possible. Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory as well as a painkiller that will help. Please only take this if you do not have an allergy!!

The tattoo will scab, look shiny and patchy while your tattoo heals. It goes through several stages of healing which can look quite worrying, especially if you've never been tattooed before. Try not to worry, 99% of the time the tattoo heals fine, If it doesn't, we offer a free touch-up service provided our after-care instructions have been followed exactly.

Black and grey tattoos will look quite dark and have a brown tint to them to begin with. This is just where your skin is sore underneath. When healed, the tattoo will lighten up and gain a more silver tone to it.

During the first few nights after getting tattooed, we recommend you sleep in an old, clean item of clothing. When the tattoo is healing there is a risk of getting 'stuck' to any surrounding material. If you wake up stuck to an item of clothing, get in a shower with the clothing still on and the water will help separate it from the skin.

We recommend staying away from dirty/dusty environments while your tattoo is healing. If this is not a possibility (for work etc), we recommend keeping it covered with loose clothing or if you feel it will need a protective barrier then we recommend using cohesive bandage (“pet wrap”) and loosely wrapping it as the bandage will only stick to itself and not the tattoo. Once you're home then wash the tattoo with clean water only, no soap and discard the bandage - Never reuse the same piece twice.

Any tattoo below the knee has a tendency to take a little longer to heal than tattoos anywhere else on the body.

TOUCH UPS - On the rare occasions in which a touch up is necessary, we offer a free touch-up session providing you have looked after the tattoo according to our exact instructions, and you come to see us within 3 months of being tattooed.

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